Palace Theater

Palace Theater. Image © 2011 Michael D. Lewis

Description — This is the Palace Theater building in Marfa, Texas.  It was photographed in February 2011.

Camera Nerd Info — Fujifilm GA645zi medium-format camera, Fuji Provia 100F film, lens focal length and exposure unrecorded.  The image is slightly cropped.

Commentary — I arrived at the Hotel Paisano across the street in late afternoon, and had just enough time to take a few photographs before sundown.  The old movie theater building looked unused at the time, but the white building on the right had a business sign on the door.  I also photographed this scene using the Linhof with Fuji NPS 160, a color negative film, but this image looked better.  Right after taking this picture I photographed the county courthouse nearby.  That photograph is also in this collection as “Presidio County Courthouse”.

I was in the area to visit Big Bend National Park to the south.  This visit to Big Bend didn’t produce any photographs of the park, though– the area had been in a severe drought and everything looked brown.  It looked so dry, in fact, that I was worried that a spark anywhere would set off a giant wildfire.  There were no fires while I was there.