California Wildflowers

California Wildflowers. Image © 2005 Michael D. Lewis

Description — This is a photograph of the California coastline from a bluff above Humboldt Bay, south of Eureka. This photo was taken on August 6, 2005 in late afternoon.

Camera Nerd Info — Linhof Super Technika V 4×5 view camera, Nikkor-W 135mm f/5.6 lens, Fuji Provia 100F film, exposure 1/2s @ f/45, two-stop Singh-Ray graduated density filter, no movements.

Commentary — The shoreline in the background is the spit that separates south Humboldt Bay from the Pacific Ocean. Initially I didn’t care for this image because some of the wildflowers in the foreground are a bit past their prime, but then I decided that I can’t afford to be that picky.  So here it is.

I used a Singh-Ray graduated density filter to even out the exposure. The filter is a sheet of glass that slips into a holder mounted on the front of the lens.  The photographer can adjust the filter up and down so that it aligns with the horizon, but from my experience this is tricky. It worked okay in this instance.